Get Connected – Memoir Snapshots

When: Wednesday 31 July 2024 at 1:00pm - 3:30pm,
Wednesday 7 August 2024 at 1:00pm - 3:30pm,
Wednesday 14 August 2024 at 1:00pm - 3:30pm
Where: Flagstaff Hill Community Centre, Coromandel Street (enter off Black Road, by Flagstaff Hill oval), Flagstaff Hill
Cost: $5 co-contribution plus $45 from your Government funded Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), or $50 from your Government funded Home Care Package (HCP)

Reflecting on the past two Writing a Memoir series, Michele says “Writing in a group is inspiring and opens up new ways of framing your story appropriate to your audience. There’s a lot of skill in the group.”

We’re trying something new this term. Participants from previous memoir writing courses are keen to work on a shared collection – an anthology of small memoir stories.

We welcome new writers to the group!

Michele, our experienced writing tutor describes the new program as a great way to “start small and completely finish one significant story! Writing a whole life story can be daunting. Completing one small story will give you the confidence to continue.”

Curious to know what previous participants have thought from the last writing workshop?

“‘There are lots of learning opportunities with the materials distributed, the learning exercises and discussion opportunities between course members.”


“This course has inspired me to get back to writing.”

Discover the topics for each Wednesday session.

22 May Bring 1-3 photographs from your past (or images that are meaningful to you) to the first session.

In this session, we will begin with a personal photograph to share our stories and explore ways of writing about our lives.

29 May Pick one photo. Choose one story.

You may want to write your whole life, but you let’s focus on one significant story. The aim of this project is to complete, to a publishable standard, one story from your life

5, 12, 19 & 26 June Explore, polish and perfect.

In these four sessions, we will write, read aloud to each other, listen and give feedback on our stories. We’ll experiment with different ways of writing our story, go deeper to develop it, and edit for sense, structure and style. Then we will plan the design and layout of our SNAPSHOTS anthology.

31 July, 7 & 14 August Complete our Snapshots Project.

Our anthology will be produced, either as a photobook or an in-house production. Finish with a launch event!

Bookings are essential.

Posted: May 9, 2024

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